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Monday June 8, IWOCA Day 1
Ralf Klasing and Florent Foucaud. General opening [slides]
Florent Foucaud. Technical information [slides]
Graph algorithms 1
Sankardeep Chakraborty, Kunihiko Sadakane and Srinivasa Rao Satti. Optimal In-place Algorithms for Basic Graph Problems (Video)
Julien Bensmail, Foivos Fioravantes and Nicolas Nisse. On Proper Labellings of Graphs with Minimum Label Sum (Video) [slides]
Best papers
Pratibha Choudhary. Polynomial Time Algorithms for Tracking Path Problems (Video) [slides]
Invited talk
Sándor Fekete. Coordinating swarms of objects at extreme dimensions (Video: zoom recording)
Original videos:
Triangulating Unknown Environments Using Robot Swarms
Tilt: The Video. Designing Worlds to Control Robot Swarms with only Global Signals
Coordinated Motion Planning: The Video
Space Ants: Constructing and Reconfiguring Large-Scale Structures with Finite Automata
Combinatorial algorithms
Curtis Bright, Kevin K. H. Cheung, Brett Stevens, Ilias Kotsireas and Vijay Ganesh. Nonexistence Certificates for Ovals in a Projective Plane of Order Ten (Video) [slides]
Erin Lanus and Charles Colbourn. Algorithms for Constructing Anonymizing Arrays (Video)
Dynamic and online algorithms 1
Ananya Christman, Christine Chung, Nicholas Jaczko, Tianzhi Li, Scott Westvold and Xinyue Xu. New Bounds for Maximizing Revenue in Online Dial-a-Ride (Video) [slides]
Tuesday June 9, IWOCA Day 2
Parameterized complexity
Gennaro Cordasco, Luisa Gargano and Adele Rescigno. Iterated Type Partitions (Video) [slides]
Graph matching
Koki Hamada, Shuichi Miyazaki and Kazuya Okamoto. Strongly Stable and Maximum Weakly Stable Noncrossing Matchings (Video) [slides]
B S Panda and Juhi Chaudhary. Acyclic Matching in Some Subclasses of Graphs (video) [slides]
Toni Böhnlein and Oliver Schaudt. On the Complexity of Stackelberg Matroid Pricing Problems (Video)
Invited talk
Dan Alistarh. Optimization by population: large-scale distributed optimization via population protocols (Video) [slides]
Graph algorithms 2
Ioannis Lamprou, Ioannis Sigalas and Vassilis Zissimopoulos. Improved Budgeted Connected Domination and Budgeted Edge-Vertex Domination (Video) [slides]
Guy Kortsarz and Zeev Nutov. Bounded Degree Group Steiner problems (Video) [slides]
Business meeting
Ralf Klasing. Program committee report. [slides]
Florent Foucaud. Organizing committee report.[slides]
Lucia Moura. Presentation of IWOCA 2021 in Ottawa [slides]
Henning Fernau. Presentation of IWOCA 2022 in Trier
Wednesday June 10, IWOCA Day 3
Dynamic and online algorithms 2
Toru Hasunuma. Connectivity Keeping Trees in 2-Connected Graphs with Girth Conditions (Video)
Alexandre Blanché, Haruka Mizuta, Paul Ouvrard and Akira Suzuki. Decremental Optimization of Dominating Sets Under the Reconfiguration Framework (Video) [slides]
Li-Hsuan Chen, Ling-Ju Hung, Henri Lotze and Peter Rossmanith. Further Results on Online Node- and Edge-Deletion Problems with Advice (Video) [slides]
Parametrized graph algorithms
Avinandan Das, Lawqueen Kanesh, Jayakrishnan Madathil, Komal Muluk, Nidhi Purohit and Saket Saurabh. On the Complexity of Singly Connected Vertex Deletion (Video) [slides]
Invited talk
Tatiana Starikovskaya. Algorithms for string processing in restricted-access models of computation (Video) [slides]
Graph theory
Hervé Hocquard, Dimitri Lajou and Borut Lužar. Between proper and strong edge-colorings of subcubic graphs (Video) [slides]
Bogdan Alecu, Vadim Lozin and Dominique de Werra. The micro-world of cographs (Video) [slides]
Ewa Drgas-Burchardt, Hanna Furmańczyk and Elżbieta Sidorowicz. Equitable d-degenerate choosability of graphs (Video) [slides]